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You're the one.
Even when the sun stops shinning,
i will always be there for you.♥

Im plain and simple.
.betrayers.liars.backstabbers.flying cockcroaches.etc.><

Wishing well
★Write better stories.
★More readers like my story.
★love me.


Love song
Sing me a love song.<3

Music Playlist at MixPod.com


x x x x

Monday, May 18, 2009
Chapter 8 - BIG BEAR MAN!! ♥ 3:08 AM

Miss Monday arrived again.
Everything back to normal.
As usual Hyung will drop me off at school.

There were also some screaming and yelling going on behind me from all Hyung's fans.
*SCREAMS* I walked lazily to class. My eyelids were half-closed. I was suffering from sleep deprivation. I kept waking up throughout the night, having bad dreams and horrible stuffs in my mind.
I kept thinking about the things that happened yesterday.
The shock was still in me. It was affecting me the whole night.
The school bell rang and the sound struck me awake.
I fasten up my pace to class trying not to be late.
My head was like looking down all the time.
My head was still spinning and my whole world seems like whirling around me.
I felt my eyes were stinging and vision blurring.
I blinked my eyes hard and shook my head to try to stay awake.
I was feeling dizzy but still fighting to walk through the long corridor to my class.
Suddenly,I felt myself banging unto something hard but warm.

He yelled at me."Geezz...Who is this stupid girl??"
I forced myself to look up at that tall guy who i bang into.
I could see that the guy was glaring at me with his eyes.
He was so big in sized and muscular too.
He touched his spectacles with his huge bear hand.
He looked at me carefully and examining me.

"Ishhh...Go Away!!"
He pushed me aside without using any ounce of his strength.
I fell to the side. That 'BIG BIG BIG BEAR MAN' and his gang walked passed me.
They were wearing the same pattern of t-shirt, except for the big bear man.
I could only feel a pain in one part of my body.
I couldn't analyse where it was painful due to my tiredness.
I couldn't shout back at the big bear man, and i didn't know why i was so weak.
I looked at them who were walking passing me.
There were six or seven or eight of them in the big bear man's gang.
I am not very sure...couldn't count very well at that moment.
No one seemed to see me, it was like i was invisible to them.
OR was i already dead?? can't they see me??
I let my head to settle on the ground like a dead person. There was a warm hand holding me up. I tried to open my eyes to fight back, i wouldn't allow that bad guy to touch me. "Argghh", i pushed his hands that was holding on to me firmly away. When i opened my eyes, i saw a guy who was also wearing the same kind of t-shirt. He helped me get up and got my things that were scattered on the floor and he passed them to me. After helping me, he then walked away. He didn't say anything. He was different from the rest. I could see that.
But after picking me up he walked away so fast leaving me with no time to thank him.
I rubbed my eyes again and saw that the big bear man and his gang disappearing at the corner. The guy who helped me had also followed them off.
I tried to stabilized myself and continued walking wobbly to my classroom.


“Eun Hee!!”, I tried to look up without tilting my head up high. Soo Young grabbed my hand and ran towards my seat. The sudden jerk almost caused me to collapse. When I reached my place I shut my eyes tightly and quickly lowered my head onto my table. “Eun Hee!! Let me see the photos which you took!!!!”, Soo Young shook me with great enthusiasm. I felt that my brain was almost going to dropped out. I felt like I was going to die. MY head cracked with pain. “Ahhhhh!!!!”, I cried out loudly.

Finally Soo Young realized that I was not well and asked curiously : “Eun Hee..Are you alright?” I tried to swallow the lump that was in my throat and tried to speak but the pain in my head was unbearable and preventing me from talking. I couldn’t respond to Soo Young’s question. “Eun Hee, What happened to you????” “How are you feeling??” I managed to stretched out my hand that was grabbing my head tightly. Soo Young held onto my hand and shouted to the other students to come help out with me. “Something is wrong with Eun Hee!!”

Some helpful and curious students came around me to check out what was wrong with me. All of them were crowding around me and making me hard to breathe. I continued grabbing my head with both of my hands still unable to talk. I let out a sound. “Ahhhhh….” I only know that I can only see darkness then.

I woke up finding myself in the school’s sickbay with Soo Young beside me. “Eun Hee..You’re finally up. How are you feeling??” I tried to sit up and pushed the blanket that was covering me aside : “Why am I here??”, I asked.

“It’s all my fault!!” she buried her face into both her hands. I touched her gently, “What happened??” She replied it hurriedly and short. “You fainted….”

I touched my head that was starting to ache again. “Owhh..It’s not your fault, Soo Young ” “Lie back down”, Soo Young commanded. I quickly followed her instructions. She then got me a cup of warm water to drink. “I think im over exhausted. I didn’t sleep well yesterday, something bad happened.” Soo Young leaned closer and asked worriedly : “What happened?????”

I told her what happened yesterday and she like the last part when a ‘HERO’ saved me. I tried to think of the face of the person who saved me. But I couldn’t, my headache was starting all over again. “Ahh..My head…”, I cried out loudly. “Do you need a pain killer??”

“Yeahh..I think so…”

I ate the pain killer and fell into a deep deep sleep.

When I woke up the second time, I was in a different place again. My mind couldn’t make out whatever place is this. I saw a couple pacing up and down and when they saw me they started shouting : “She up! She up!!!!!!”

I quickly shook my head to figured out who they were and where am i..

My head could not the detect any information. I didn’t know the people who rushed towards me. “Who are you?? And where am i??”, I quickly spoke out.

The two couple smiled pleasantly to me and ask me not to worried. They told me that they were Soo Young’s parents and I fell asleep in school so Soo Young took me back. Soo Young rushed to me and shouted : “REALLY??”. She reached my side. “Eun Hee..are you okay?? ” I looked back and said : “Yeah I think I’m feeling better now. Thanks for looking after me.” “What’s the time now?”, I asked worriedly and afraid to upset Hyung if I went back late. “It’s 10.48pm now.” “I need to go aback home now!” I got up and thank them for looking after me.

“Eun Hee…I have already informed Hye Joong, I think he is already on his way out.” “Hyung???..”

The door bell rang once, twice..

Soo Young said : “Maybe it’s Hye Joong” and she darted towards the door and opened it.

Hye Joong was there when the door opened. Hye Joong quickly came towards me and asked me with concerned.

Then after we thank Soo Young and her parents, we went back home on Hyung’s bike.

Hyung grabbed me and placed me onto the bike without much effort.

I was considered light to him because he is strong!

When he started the engine of the bike and he whispered : “Hold on to me tightly!!” and then we moved off..

Hyung sped up and we were moving very fast.

I arms grabbed tighter around Hyung’s waist.

I could feel the wind rushing passed me and it touched my cheeks.

The feeling was nice and cooling.

My hair was flying backwards following the direction of thewind.

I was feeling light-headed so I rested my head against Hyung broad shoulders.

Hyung didn’t moved much, I could feel warmness on my hands and I think hyung placed one of his hands on mine that was around his waist. Slowly I fell into a deep deep sleep again.


After one week, everything had already gone back to its original place and the shockness in me has also eased away slowly. I slept well again every night, without a dream.Hah.It was nice!

I received a message from my manager, Mr. Shim telling me that I have to for another photoshoot on Wednesday that is tomorrow.

I looked at the message again. It was then really registered into my mind when I read the message for the second time. I told Hyung while he was sending me to school. “Can you?? Don’t scare me again.. my dear Eun Hee..” I smiled and assured him : “Hyung that was one week ago and now I’m alright! ” I added before Hyung could say anything. “I know you are the best brother in the whole universe!!” I hugged him tighter from behind and he was like a stone that didn’t moved or respond. I nudged him. He suddenly came back to life. “Really?? Don’t you wana trick me with your glib-tongue.Anyway, thanks! Hah”, he slightly turned his head and glanced to the back at me, smilling.

I grinned at him and went to school.

-End of Chapter 8-


Eun Hee went happily to school.:):):):)

Friday, May 15, 2009
Chapter 7 - mystified. ♥ 8:22 PM

They dropped me off at my house.
I quickly rushed into my house.
"Hyung...." I search the living room, his room, my room, the toilet, the store room,
THE WHOLE HOUSE, but it was in vain.
Hye Joong was no where to be seen.
I sat on the sofa and tears slowly came rolling down my cheeks.
Why is hyung so angry??, i don't like to see hyung like this.
I went back into my room and i lie my my bed and kept thinking.
Weird feelings kept coming back.
That picture of Tae min smirking came backed into my mind.
I buried my head into my pillow.
But why is hyung so furious? I really cant figure that out.
"Ughh...."I felt sad when hyung was angry with me.
I don't like him to be angry.
Tears continued to roll down my cheeks unto my pillow.
One part of my pillow was starting to become wet.
I didn't care to bother about that.
And i fell asleep just like that.

Some sound woke me up.
I tilt my head up towards the window, i realised that it was already night time.
My handphone was ringing.
I quickly picked it up.
I heard a man voice saying :"Come out now...."
"Huh?? Who are you??"
Before i finished speaking the line was already cut off.
I rubbed my tired eyes which had been crying the whole day.
I scratched my head to figure out the voice.
but i think i don't really know that voice.
I stood up wobbly and stumbled along my way towards the bedroom door.
It was dark outside, no lights had been switched on.
I think Hyung is not back yet.
I remember that the person asked me to go out.
So i took out my courage to go out.
I grabbed and slipped into my red jacket quickly and ran out of the door.
I walked slowly down the dark and scary path, no one was there.
There was no moon that night, so it was pitch black.
I walked quietly on the path.

I heard some footsteps following me.
I turned back to look but the whole street was empty.
I continued walking without a direction.
I also had no idea why i came out.
I continued.
I heard it again.
and it was getting nearer and nearer.

Some strong pairs of hand grabbed me from behind.
I tried to scream but one of his hands tried to cover my mouth.
I bit his hands.
"DAMN IT!!!!...",he shouted and kinda let go of me.(Bad man)
I quickly struggled myself free from his strong clutch.
I ran as fast as possible.
I bang into another man, he was laughing and evil laugh.
I was so scared by him.
The two men gang up against me.
They came nearer and nearer towards me.
I tried to find a way to run but it was in vain.
The two men came nearer and stood beside me.
One man spoke up :"Trying to run??"
He grinned at me.
*Evil grins*
I tried not to looked at them.
Another guy touched my face with his hands and said :"Its sooo smooth..HAhahahhh.."
He laughed and i tried to pushed him away.
It was soooo disgusting.
Then he said :"What a stubborn little girl, i like this.Hahhaaaa.."
Another guy touched my body.
I kicked my legs back to try to kick him but i failed.
"Hey, stop it!!!!!!!!!!!!!", i shouted at that guy who touched me.
The guy tried to kiss my cheeks after touching it.
I struggled and struggled but they were holding tightly unto me.

Suddenly someone came for my rescue before that guy could kiss me.
He punched the man who touched me in his face.
The man who touched my cheeks screamed :"Ouchhh.."
Then another guy quickly took out a sharp knife it was like five inches long.
He slashed the knife at the man who came to save me.
The man who saved me shouted.
When the baddies weren't concentrating, he quickly grabbed my hand.
"Let's go!"
we ran and ran and ran.
The bad mans kept on shouting behind us and threatened us but we continued on running away.
While running, i tried to look at his face but i couldn't, it was too dark.
Because of the moonless night.
We kept running and running until it was quite safe and his voice trembled and said :"Go home quickly.It's dangerous out here. I've to go now."
The man who saved me ran into the dark path and then disappeared.
He ran off just like that.
I saw him holding on to the part of his hand which is being slashed by the bad guys while he was running away. I saw his one part of his shirt stained with blood.
I haven't even thank him for saving me and he left already.

I quickly got into the house and when i got in, i saw Hye joong waiting for me as usual.
It was like 10 plus in the night.
I was stiffened and didn't move a single step.
Tears gushed out of my eyes.
I wanted to moved and run to hug hyung but i couldn't move.
Hyung saw me and ran towards me.
He grabbed me into the in arms very very tightly until i almost couldn't breathe.
but the feeling of his hug was kinda nice and comforting.
I think he was worried sick for me to get home so late.
I tried to explained but i couldn't, the fear inside me still remains in me.
my tears gushed out without stopping. I tried again to talk but what i said couldn't be heard.
It was like i was mumbling to myself.
Hye Joong patted my back and leaned his head on top of mine.
He whispered :"It's okay..."

After a while, we went to sit at the sofa.
Hyung gave me a hot chocolate to drink.
It was my favourite drink before sleeping.
It gives me a kind of warmness that cannot be explained by words.
I drank it sip by sip.
Hyung was right beside me and i know that his eyes were upon me and never left me.
He asked me with his soothering voice :"What happened?"
I struggled with the lump in my throat and swallowed it before i started explaining.
"Hmmm...Hyung....Sorry that i made you angry this afternoon."
I tried to look up but quickly shifted my eyes down again to avoid looking into his.
He pressed his lips together and then said :"Silly girl.....it wasn't your fault..It's my own problem"
"Hyung, don't be angry..."
"Silly girl...", he put his hands on my shoulders.
"What happened outside? I thought you already came home in the afternoon?"
He asked curiously.
"I fell asleep and i got a phone call asking me to........................"
While i was explaining everything to him, i leaned unto his body and his arms were around me.
When i finished explaining, hyung didn't say anything.
There was a stretch of silence.
He touched my cheeks and pulled my face around to look at him.
He was leaning towards me and his face was just a few inches away.
He broke the silence :"Eun Hee, don't be afraid.Hyung will be always here to protect you."
I nodded quickly.
"Thanks hyung..."I hugged him tightly without letting go.
He hesitated and then hugged me back too.
After an hour plus, we both went back to our own room.

I was thinking of that 'Good Hero' who saved me.
Who was it???? I really can't figure out who that person was..
I kept thinking of the bad guys catching hold of me tightly and try to do some disgusting things.
I was sooo sad and frustrated.
I fell asleep after a little while.

I woke up finding myself screaming like a mad woman.
I lie in bed thinking of the incident yesterday.
Hyung rushed in with his eyebrows creased up.
"Eun Hee", he shouted while opening my room door.
I looked up at hyung.
He quickly came and sat on my bed right beside me.
I cuddled up into his arms.
He hesitated again and then tightened his hands around me.
"I dreamt about........."
He touched my hair gently and said :"It's just a dream, don't worry too much.."
I nodded.
"Let's go to take our breakfast"
He smiled to me, sweetly.

-End of Chapter 7-

Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Chapter 6- Outing.turns out to be a bad one. ♥ 1:03 AM

So Eun Hee and Hye Joong went out with In Su and Jung Ki.
They were really nice people and handsome ones too.
First they went to have lunch at a fast food restaurant.
While they were eating, In Su started to snapped photos of them.
really ugly ones. So they asked him to removed it.
In Su like taking photos.
His camera will be always with him every where he goes.

He has many different models of camera and all of them are soo nice!!
the four of them all ate hamburgers.
It was really yummy.
In Su :"Smile, Eun Hee!"
Eun Hee didn't have time to even smile.

Eun Hee :"You're too fast!"><
In Su :"Okay..again then."
Eun Hee :"Ahahaa..okie.."
Eun Hee smiled again.=)

In Su :"Be more natural man..you're a model, girl...ahahha.."
Hye Joong and Jung Ki :"Hahahaaa...
" Eun Hee :"Okay...give me a second to prepare myself. Okay Now!"


GOOD!!!, compliment from all of them.
In Su :"Last one...."


"AHHHHH.......", shouted Eun Hee.
Someone accidentally spilt his hot tea on Eun Hee.
"Sorry..sorry...", he tried to help Eun Hee clean..
"Sorry...sorry...", he kept repeating the same word.
"It's okay..", Eun Hee looked up.
"Are you okay??", Hye Joong asked worriedly.
He stood up and went over to where Eun Hee was sitting.

That someone looked into my eyes as if i know him.
Hye Joong brought me to the sink near by and wash my left hand which was scalded.
He was so worried and he kept splashing the water on the part which was red.
It was painful at first but after a long while it pain reduced a lot...

Then that someone came and see whether im okay.
He said :"Sorry.."
I replied :"I'm okay...dont worry.."
I turned my head towards him and saw him in his eyes.
Our eyes met for a second.
"Owhh......i remembered him!!!"
"His that guy!!!", i shouted.
"Shh....", that guy shhh me cos i was too loud.
Everyone turned their heads around to look at us.
Hye Joong :"You know him??"
In Su and Jung Ki also came and crowding around us.
"You finally remembered??hmm..Quite good memory power..Haa..",
That guy laughed and said sorry again for what he did just now.
"May i know what is your name??", i asked.
"Sure! My name is Shin Tae Min ", he took out his hand to shake mine.
I also took mine out and shook hands with him.
"Yours??", he asked.
"I'm Sung Eun Hee.", i smiled sweetly.
That guy took my hand and pulled me to a corner.
"What are you doing??", Hye Joong shouted behind us.
That guy whispered into my ears .
"We're fated to meet each other....."
He put on his sunglasses and walked away.
I looked surprisingly into the place which he stood just now.
He just walked away like that..after saying this??...

"Eun Hee...What did he say??Are you okay??", Hye Joong ran towards me.
Eun Hee :"Yeahh..Yeahhh..Im alright!", Then i quickly went back to our table.
After we sat down and settled down..
Jung Ki started asking :"Eun Hee ,who's that guy huh??Your boy--friend---??"
Hye Joong didn't bother to look at me, he looked down on to his half eaten hamburger, picked it up and continued eating it.
"No!!!", i protested. "He also a model working in the same company as me.", i explained myself.
In Su :"What a weird person.."
Jung Ki :"Yeaa...But he looks quite handsome.."
In Su : "I agree..Haa..."
Hye Joong :"Let's dropped the subject okay?"
He looked annoyed.
Eun Hee :"Hyung....dont be angry.Tae Min didn't did that on purpose...."
Hye Joong rose from his chair and said :"I've got something on, i've gotta go."
He left just like that.
I didn't know why he was so angry about this little matter.
Jung Ki :"Hye Joong...."
In Su stared after him and said nothing.
Eun Hee :"In Su...Why is hyung acting like this.."
In Su : "Ermm...it is because.........Aish..i think you should ask him..", he shook his head.
"In Su.....tell me plss....", i pulled his t-shirt sleeve.
"plss...", i continued pulling his sleeve.
"Yarr...eat your food quickly! or else we will leave you behind..",Jung Ki said.
"Hmm...", imuttered and quickly finished up the last bite of burger.
I was still confused.><
"Yarr...wait for me.......", i shouted and quickly followed them back to the car.
We didn't continue our trip so we went home straight away.

-End of Chapter 6-